HUNTA-170: 6 Ýanki gyzlary we bir erkek adam meniň bilen ýeke özüm patyşa oýunlaryny oýnaýarlar! Ýanki bolan ýegenim joralarynyň ýanynda bolup, Çiba şäherindäki tema seýilgähine gitmäge geldi! Elbetde dostum hem Ýanky. Dogrusyny aýtsam gaty gorkýaryn ... Otagy hapalaýar, «ol» Nähili bolaýanda-da, öý başyna bela düşýär!
6 Yankee girls and a man are king games with me alone! My niece, who has become a Yankee, came to stay with her friends to go to a theme park in Chiba! Of course, my friend is also a Yankee, and to be honest, I'm too scared ... It makes the room dirty, and "It's hima!" Anyway, the house is in trouble!