NKKD-012: Ýigrenji zeýtun ýagy meniň hormatlanýan okuwçy bolan halaşýan gyzymyň bolmagy barada duýduryş berdim. Ol meniň huşumy ýitiren özüm üçin prefekturanyň öňdebaryjy taýýarlyk mekdepleriniň birinde okady, ýöne şol gün meni prefekturanyň iň akylsyz DQN Takemaru uly mugallymy bildi. Maňa indiki gezek halaşýan gyzyma karz bermegi tabşyrdylar. Şonuň üçin çynlakaý halaşýan gyzymy DQN-iň hangout Shuri Atomi şäherine äkitmekden başga ýolum ýokdy
Disgusting feces caution I was able to have a girlfriend who was an honor student who attended one of the leading preparatory schools in the prefecture for my faint-hearted self, but the other day I was found out by the craziest DQN Takemaru senior in the prefecture, and I was told to lend my girlfriend next time, so I had no choice but to take my serious girlfriend to DQN's hangout Shuri Atomi