VRTM-332: ሓደ ብዛዕባ ድንግልና ዚጭነቕ ወዲ ንሓማቱ ብዛዕባ ጸገማቱ ኣማኸራ! - እቲ ኻብ መጠን ንላዕሊ ዚጭብጭብ ዓብዪ ጸባ ኺጻወሮ ዘይክእል ወዲ ኣቦኡ እኳ እንተ ነበረ ብዙሕ እዩ ዚኣቱ ! - ነታ ሃዲማ ኣብ ገዛ እትሃድም ኣደ ጨፍሊቕካ ጨፍልቓ! - እቲ ቕድሚ ግዜኡ ምንዛሕ ኣዝዩ ኸቢድ ዝዀነ ወዲ ኪንታማ ሱካራካን ክሳዕ ዚኸውን

"Because you can do as many shots as you want!" - A son who is worried about virginity consults his mother-in-law about his troubles! - The son who can no longer stand the big milk that is too plump is strong ● raw insertion despite the presence of his father! - Suppress the mother who escapes and spree everywhere in the house! - The son who is too premature ejaculation is too unequaled and vaginal shot to death until he becomes Kintama Sukkarakan! 3

እዚ ወብ ሳይት እዚ ንዓበይቲ ጥራይ እዩ

እንተ ወሓደ ወዲ 18 ዓመት ዲኻ ?

(ወይ ዕድመ እቶም ነዚ ወብ ሳይት እዚ ኽትረኽብዎ እትኽእሉ ሕጋዊ ብዙሓን)

ነታ "ኣነ እሰማምዓሉ እየ" እትብል ቃል ብምጥዋቕ ነዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዘሎ ሓሳባት ኣንቢብካዮን ተረዲእካዮን ኢኻ።

ዕለት ምውጻእ: 03/09/2018
ግዜ ጕያ: 130 ደቒቕ