VOSS-131: - ሓንቲ ብጽባቐ እትምራሕ ምርዕውቲ ሰበይቲ ንድምጻ ትዓብጦን ኣብ ዝለዓለ ጠርዙ ትበጽሕን ። ሓደ ዓርከይ ሓንቲ ምጭውቲ ሰበይቲ ሚስተር/ሚስ ትሰርሕ ከም ዘላ ነገረኒ እቲ ኻብ ቤት ናብ ቤት ክኸይድ ኢለ ዝመጻእክዎ ናይ ደቂ ተባዕትዮ ድኳን ከኣ ኵሉ ጾታዊ ተግባራት እተኸልከለሉ ጥዑይ ድኳን ኢዩ! (ቺኩሾ... ነቲ እተታ

- Silent lustful sex where a married woman esthetician with a reputation for beauty suppresses her voice and climaxes! A friend told me that a beautiful wife Mr./Ms. was working, and the men's esthetic shop that I came to with the intention of ejaculating was a healthy store where all erotic acts were prohibited! (Chikusho... Give me back the money I was deceived of) I shouted in my heart, but Kya

እዚ ወብ ሳይት እዚ ንዓበይቲ ጥራይ እዩ

እንተ ወሓደ ወዲ 18 ዓመት ዲኻ ?

(ወይ ዕድመ እቶም ነዚ ወብ ሳይት እዚ ኽትረኽብዎ እትኽእሉ ሕጋዊ ብዙሓን)

ነታ "ኣነ እሰማምዓሉ እየ" እትብል ቃል ብምጥዋቕ ነዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዘሎ ሓሳባት ኣንቢብካዮን ተረዲእካዮን ኢኻ።

ዕለት ምውጻእ: 03/07/2019
ግዜ ጕያ: 100 ደቒቕ
ስቱድዮ: VENUS