UMSO-046: Wareysi wadada ah oo ka mid ah "Survey Wacyigelinta ee Xubnaha Cusub" qaaday halka la socda sare a (♀), shaqaale cusub (♂) soo baxay sida "bikrad ah oo leh waayo-aragnimo eber ah in shukaansi la jinsiga ka soo horjeeda"! - Qofka sare ee aan qarin karin inuu la yaabo qirashada miyuu jidhkiisa ka siibi doonaa koritaanka dhallinyaradaas naxdinta leh?

In a street interview of the "Awareness Survey of New Members" taken while accompanying a senior (♀), a new employee (♂) came out as "a virgin with zero experience in dating with the opposite sex"! - Will the senior who can not hide his surprise at the confession take off his skin for the growth of such a pitiful junior?

Taariikhda Lasii daayo: 03/25/2016
Runtime: 202 min
Studio: K M Produce