JKSR-237: Ma ogtahay faahfaahinta xaaskan Mr./Ms.? Mr./Ms. oo ah fasalka dheer ee 173cm ee firaaqada quruxda badan ee lugta ee ku nool Suginami Ward iyo xaas xaaskiisa G-cupka ee firfircoon ee Depaga firfircoon oo ku nool Meguro Ward ayaa ku yaala estrus! Muxuu 'u soo jiidaa de M-ka qarsooni ee wax badan u soo jiiday si uu u habaaranyahay wuu soo toosay'? Sheekada oo dhan.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? Mr./Ms. of a 173cm tall beautiful leg model class living in Suginami Ward and a G-cup busty wife of active Depaga living in Meguro Ward are in estrus! Why did 'the hidden de M who sprees so much that it is cursed awaken'? The whole story.