A chain of Ponzi schemes! - A girl ○ student at a young lady's school on her way home! Collateral damage! 4. "If you're the only one who is unhappy, you won't be able to go to school tomorrow, right? - On the surface, they are good friends, but deep down, they call out a 'self-proclaimed best friend' who hates and strangles them! Oni Irama! Squid ...
Ma leedahay ugu yaraan 18 sanno jir?
(ama da'da aqlabiyadda inta badan ee awoodda aad ka helaysid boggan)
Markaad gujisid "I AGREE", waxaad akhriday oo aad fahantay bayaanka kor ku xusan.
MayaFadlan mar kale mar kale isku day mar kale mar dambe