JKSR-244: Ma ogtahay faahfaahinta xaaskan Mr./Ms.? Xaaska caanka ah ee madaxweynaha ku nool Meguro Ward iyo xaaskiisa quruxda badan caato ah caato ah ee jecel khamriga ku nool Suginami Ward ayaa ku jira estrus! Maxay ku noqotay 'sidaa darteed naxdinta leh in miskuhu ii dhaqaaqo iyada oo aan fasax ka haysan jagada cowgirl'? Sheekada oo dhan.
Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? The celebrity wife of the president who lives in Meguro Ward and the beautiful slender young wife who loves alcohol who lives in Suginami Ward are in estrus! Why did it become 'so disturbed that my hips move without permission in the cowgirl position'? The whole story.