MEI-007: Dhinaca kale ee muraayadda sixir waxaa ah xaaska macalinka la aaminsan yahay Mr. / Ms. ... Cayaartoy qurux badan oo ka tirsan kooxda track and field iyo macalin dhab ah oo u tartamaaya ciyaarta xun wuxuu si qarsoodi ah ula socdaa laba qof oo keliya! Jirka la tababaray aad ayey xasaasi u tahay sidoo kale tababaraha ayaana isha ku haya! ?? Intee in le'e ayaad doonaysaa inaad lacag aaddo?
On the other side of the magic mirror is the wife of a trusted coach Mr./Ms. ... A beautiful athlete who belongs to the track and field club and a serious coach challenge a naughty game secretly with only two people! The trained body is too sensitive and the coach's is also ticking! ?? How far are you willing to go for money?