SDMM-020: Magic Mirror Soo qaadashada lamaane cusub oo faraxsan oo u yimid jillaabaha! Ninkeyga ayaa hortayda ku qiyaanoobaan! - Ku dhiiri gali Mr./Ms. oo ka murugoonaysa in ay xaaladda soo aragto, ninkeedana ka dhigto mid si aad ah u soo foodsaarta si aanay codkeeda u cadaadin karin iyadoo ku seexanaysa meel fog oo 30 cm muraayad ah!
Magic Mirror Picking up a happy newlywed couple who came to the slopes! My husband is cheating in front of me! - Persuade the Mr./Ms. who is sad to see the situation, and make her husband squid so much that she can't suppress her voice by sleeping at a distance of 30 cm through the mirror!