SDJS-077: Baaritaan halis ah oo ay sameeyeen shaqaalaha haweenka ee SOD, "Maxaa ku dhaca dumarka haddii ay sii wadaan kicinta galmada ee xaaladda ay ka xannuunsanyihiin shanta dareen ee aragga, maqalka, dhadhanka, urta, taabashada?" SOD Shaybaadhka Cilmiga Jinsiga REPORT13

As a result of a serious examination by SOD female employees, "What happens to women if they continue to be sexually stimulated in a situation where they are deprived of the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch?" SOD Sexology Lab REPORT13

Taariikhda Lasii daayo: 08/13/2020
Runtime: 200 min
Studio: SOD Create