SKMJ-499: Mr./Ms. Qof walba, qof walba, qof kasta oo firfircoon kaalinteedii u firfircoon! Ma jeceshahay in aad "isbitaalka dhigto" burushka bikradda? - Xoq phimosis on a deggan dunida kale oo aan garanaynin ereyga galmada intercrural iyo slime sida ay tahay! - ilaahaddii samada oo ku dhacday dulli ah dumar ah! - gaar ah ee CA weyn
Mr./Ms. Everyone, an active cabin attendant! Would you like to "hospitalize" the virgin's brush? - Rub phimosis on a resident of another world who does not know the word intercrural sex and slime it as it is! - to the goddess of the sky who has fallen into humiliation female! - special for big CA