UMSO-032: Ina ua ou valaau atu ia Miss Deriheru, ou te lei faamoemoe e iloa o ia! O tamaitai e matauina, faimamago, ma faavalevalea. Ae e ta'ua i o latou igoa moni! - Mulimuli ane o le manatu ..."Aua le ta'u atu i se tasi e uiga i lenei mea", ae "Ona , nai lo lena ...", o tamaitai o e ua faamalosia e fua mai ma ua le laki i le i ai!
When I called Miss Deriheru, I didn't expect to know her! Women who are noticed, cheated, and blurted out. But called by their real names! - Finally the notion ..."Don't tell anyone about this", but "Then, instead ...", women who are forced to produce and are unlucky to be!