- The older sister who is too big breasts is actually a strike! Alone with such an older sister in a narrow bath! Why did that happen...? My sister, who lives alone in Tokyo, has returned to her parents' house for the first time in a long time! My sister is very gentle and smart, and what my younger brother says is that she has big breasts ...
Pe e le itiiti ifo ma le 18 ou tausaga?
(po o le matua o le matua faaletulafono i le pulega lea o loo e faaaogaina ai lenei uepisaite)
O le kilikiina o le "Ou te ioe i ai", ua e faitauina ma malamalama ai i le faamatalaga o i luga.
LeaiFaamolemole toe taumafai i se taimi mulimuli ane