SVDVD-878: Veriga Ponzijevih shem! - Dekle ○ učenka v šoli mlade dame na poti domov! Kolateralna škoda! "Če si edini, ki je nesrečen, jutri ne boš mogel iti v šolo, kajne? - Na površju sta dobra prijatelja, toda globoko v sebi kličeta "samooklicanega najboljšega prijatelja", ki jih sovraži in zadavi!

A chain of Ponzi schemes! - A girl ○ student at a young lady's school on her way home! Collateral damage! "If you're the only one who is unhappy, you won't be able to go to school tomorrow, right? - On the surface, they are good friends, but deep down, they call out a 'self-proclaimed best friend' who hates and strangles them!

Datum izdaje: 09/23/2021
Runtime: 177 Min