SCOP-859: - Ko je dekle v starosti, ki želi kogarkoli preboditi, lačno moškega in masturbira z vibratorjem, se vibrator nenadoma ne more sneti! - Prosil sem za pomoč samskega moškega, ki živi v sosednji hiši, toda vsakič, ko ga poskušam izvleči, se počutim bolje in moje samo se poveča! Ko sem končno prišel ven, sem sesal najbližjo
- When a gal of the age who wants to spear anyone is hungry for a man and is masturbating a vibrator, the vibrator suddenly can't come off! - I asked for help from a single man who lives next door, but every time I try to pull it out, it feels better and my only increases! When I finally got out, I sucked on the nearest