HOMA-144: Nisem imel druge izbire, kot da ostanem doma s svojim podrejenim, ki je zaradi nadur zamudil zadnji vlak. - Bil sem navdušen, da sem bil izpostavljen svojemu nezaščitenemu in varnemu telesu, in sem se večkrat sejal do jutra v spalnici, kjer je bila moja žena odsotna. Aiho Tin

I had no choice but to stay at home with my subordinate who missed the last train due to overtime. - I was excited to be exposed to my unprotected and safe body, and I seeded many times until the morning in the bedroom where my wife was absent. Aiho Tin

Datum izdaje: 08/27/2024
Runtime: 140 Min
Igralka: Suzu Aiho
Studio: h.m.p DORAMA