SCOP-268: Ko sem se prvič po dolgem času vrnil na podeželje, je odraščala hči bratranca, ki je bila še otrok. Kot v preteklosti sem se skupaj kopala in si umila telo, postala trdna in nisem mogla prenašati. Kot je, sem imel spolne odnose, ne da bi povedal svoji družini, ne da bi dal glas!

When I returned to the countryside for the first time in a long time, my cousin's daughter, who was a child, was growing up. As in the past, I took a bath together and had my body washed, and my became hard and I couldn't stand it. As it is, I had sex without telling my family without making a voice!

Datum izdaje: 12/26/2014
Runtime: 150 Min
Studio: K M Produce