SCPX-016: - Naletel sem na starega znanca v Imekuri, ki je prepovedan za proizvodnjo! Začnite igrati v nerodnem vzdušju! - Premaknite točko za 3 cm in jo na skrivaj vstavite v medpodeželski seks! - "Samo ti si", ne da bi me zanikali, sem na skrivaj dobil OK in nisem mogel ustaviti čustvene eksplozije MAX in vaginalnega strela, kot je bil!!
- I bumped into an old acquaintance at Imekura, which is prohibited from production! Start playing in an awkward atmosphere! - Shift the point by 3 cm and secretly insert it into the intercrural sex! - "It's just you" without being denied, I secretly got OK and couldn't stop the emotional explosion MAX and vaginal shot as it was!!