JKSR-201: Ali poznate podrobnosti te žene, gospod/gospa? 02 Mladoporočenka, 6-mesečna mlada žena, ki je bila pred tem študentka, in zdrava mlada gospod/gospa, ki z možem in ženo vodi trgovino z blagom, sta v estrusu! Zakaj sem na koncu prelival solze in se prelival z beljaki oči? Celotna zgodba.

Do you know the details of this wife, Mr./Ms.? 02 A newlywed 6-month-old young wife who was a college student before this and a healthy young Mr./Ms. who runs a general merchandise store with her husband and wife are in estrus! Why did I end up shedding tears and spreing with the whites of my eyes? The whole story.

Datum izdaje: 08/25/2015
Runtime: 120 Min
Studio: Big Morkal