UMSO-011: Ko sem se pozno ponoči vrnil z zunanjega potovanja ... Videl sem samozadovoljevanje kolegice iz pisarne, ki je delala nadure sama! - Prosil sem: "Naredil bom vse, zato nikomur ne povej!", Torej, ko sem poskusil trening suženjstva, ki sem ga želel enkrat opraviti, sem bil tako nor, da sem bil inkontinenten!

When I returned from the outside trip late at night ... I saw the masturbation of a colleague office lady who was working overtime alone! - I begged "I'll do anything, so don't tell anyone!", So when I tried the bondage training I wanted to do once, I was so crazy that I was incontinent!

Datum izdaje: 08/28/2015
Runtime: 210 Min
Studio: K M Produce