MUPT-002: Vlaki, družinske restavracije, postaje, kavarne, doki ... Kljub temu, da je odprta, pisarniška dama, ki hodi z zadrgo, ki je napol odprta z moškim pohotnim pogledom v mislih / šolarka, ki liže sladoled z lepljivimi usti itd. - Ko sem strmel vanj, sem se mu približal z zmagoslavnim nasmehom in bil ravno nasprotno!

Trains, family restaurants, stations, cafes, doki ... Despite being open, an office lady who walks with a zipper half-open with a man's lascivious gaze in mind / a school girl who licks ice cream with a sticky mouth etc. - When I was staring at it, I approached it with a triumphant smile and was on the contrary!

Datum izdaje: 11/01/2015
Runtime: 215 Min