UMD-529: Slučajno naletel na bivšega fanta?! - Bila je ljubosumna na svoj srečen videz in se malo umaknila, da njen mož ne bi opazil. Potem pa moja bivša punca, ki mi je na skrivaj dovolila, da to storim enkrat kot gag. - Da sem prvič po dolgem času poskusil, je bil navsezadnje najboljši! !!

Accidentally encountering an ex-boyfriend?! - She was jealous of her happy appearance and put out a little so that her husband would not notice. Then, my ex-girlfriend who secretly let me do it once as a gag. - The that I tasted for the first time in a long time was the best after all! !!

Datum izdaje: 02/05/2016
Runtime: 120 Min
Studio: LEO