HUSR-080: Samo ta je omejen! Tudi ljudje, ki so odporni proti Koreji, lahko zlahka pridejo ven in korejske zrele ženske, ki naj bi imele veliko lepih žensk, so tako mlade! Hibridni amaterski AV prvenec Alafor, ki združuje lesk in gnusnost ostarele ženske, hkrati pa ohranja dolge, lepe noge in izjemne razsežnosti, značilne za dekleta iz Hallyuja

Only this one is limited! Even people who are resistant to Korea can easily get out, and Korean mature women who are reputed to have many beautiful women are so young! A hybrid Alafor amateur AV debut that combines the luster and nastiness of an aged woman while keeping the long beautiful legs and outstanding proportions peculiar to Hallyu girls

Datum izdaje: 04/25/2016
Runtime: 120 Min
Studio: Big Morkal