HUNTA-148: - Počutim se, kot da sem na robu omedlevice! - Nečakinja, ki trpi zaradi neobčutljivosti, debitira z brizganjem. Bil sem presenečen, ko sem prvič po dolgem času videl svojo nečakinjo! Izgleda kot odrasel. Toda znotraj je otrok. Zato nenamerno dobim erekcijo, potem ko sta prsni hladilnik in panchira nič hudega sluteča! - Mislil sem, da je otrok, vendar je bil naprednejši od mene in rekel: "Nikoli ga nisem čutil v seksu s svojim fantom.

- I feel like I'm on the verge of fainting! - A niece who suffers from insensitivity makes her squirting debut. I was surprised when I saw my niece for the first time in a long time! He looks like an adult. But inside is a child. That's why I unintentionally get an erection after the chest chiller and panchira are unsuspecting! - I thought it was a child, but it was more advanced than me and said, "I've never felt it in sex with my boyfriend.

Datum izdaje: 05/07/2016
Runtime: 235 Min
Studio: Hunter