HUNTA-147: Estrus na fimozi Ji Po! Bil sem resničen, odkar me je fant v istem razredu na šolskem izletu posmehoval kot "fimozo". O tem ne morem niti povedati staršem! Toda šolski učitelj, ki me je skrbel zame, je prišel v mojo hišo in me vprašal vzrok. - Končno priznam učitelju, ki se prijazno posvetuje z mano.

Estrus on phimosis Ji Po! I have been truant since I was ridiculed as "phimosis" by a boy in the same class on a school trip. I can't even tell my parents about this! However, a school teacher who was worried about me came to my house and asked me the cause. - I finally confess to a teacher who kindly consults with me.

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Datum izdaje: 05/07/2016
Runtime: 230 Min
Studio: Hunter