ZEX-299: Moški, ki imajo radi starejše ljudi in jih imajo vedno radi, so vsi poročeni ... - Tako neprekinjen niz izgub "izginjajoče ekskluzivno dekle" naredi njen AV prvenec, da prvič doživi seks z mladim moškim! In na koncu bomo okusili OjiMr./Ms. in mladeničevo Ji Po hkrati v 3P in temeljito primerjali. Asuka Minami (18 let)

Men who like older people and always like them are all married ... - Such a continuous losing streak "withering exclusive girl" makes her AV debut to experience sex with a young man for the first time! And in the end, we will taste OjiMr./Ms. and young man's Ji Po at the same time in 3P and compare thoroughly. Asuka Minami (18 years old)

Datum izdaje: 06/15/2016
Runtime: 120 Min
Igralka: Asuka Minami
Studio: Peters MAX