OYC-082: Video, ki je bil na zabavi za pitje kroga, je bil brez dovoljenja pretvorjen v AV! - Zamudil sem zadnji vlak zaradi pitja v krogu ● Štiri dekleta so prišla v mojo hišo blizu postaje na predlog čednega moškega! Sploh nisem mogla sodelovati v pogovoru deklet, vendar sem lahko pila v tesnem stiku z dekleti!

The video that was at the circle drinking party was converted to AV without permission! - I missed the last train due to drinking in a circle ● Four girls came to my house near the station at the suggestion of a handsome man! I couldn't participate in the conversation of the girls at all, but I was able to drink in close contact with the girls!

Datum izdaje: 12/19/2016
Runtime: 125 Min