HUNTA-245: Podeželsko dekle, ki hrepeni po mestu, in moški v kotatsuju hiše svojih staršev sta moja kraljeva igra! Sem rojak, zato sem šel v mesto, začel živeti sam in hodil v poklicno šolo ... Leto se je končalo brez dobrih incidentov. Ko sem se na novoletni dan vrnila v hišo svojih staršev, so me čakali sorodniki, ki so živeli v okolici!

A country girl who longs for the city and a man in the kotatsu of her parents' house are the king game of my own! I'm a countryman, so I went to the city, started living alone, and went to a vocational school... The year ended without any good incidents. When I returned to my parents' house on New Year's Day, my relatives living in the local area were waiting for me!

Datum izdaje: 01/07/2017
Runtime: 240 Min
Studio: Hunter