SW-468: Ko se zbudite, je garderoba polna žensk! Prikradla sem se v žensko garderobo podjetja, zavohala zamašeno uniformo in masturbirala, zaspala in ko sem se zbudila, sem imela erekcijo. Mislil sem, da me bodo odpustili, toda navdušene so tudi zaposlene ženske, ki pravijo: "Pomagal ti bom masturbirati ◆".

When you wake up, the changing room is full of women! I sneaked into the women's locker room of the company and smelled the stuffy uniform and masturbated, and I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I had an erection. I thought I would be fired, but the female employees are also excited, saying, "I'll help you masturbate ◆".

DVD-ID: SW-468
Datum izdaje: 02/16/2017
Runtime: 119 Min
Studio: SWITCH