POST-391: - Najdena je bila blodnja vsebina prisege ..."Če želite, to storite! V navadi pene! Vseeno je groba brada!" Moralo bi biti! Ustrahovani fant je bil neprimerljiv velik kurac 18 cm! 2 "To je laž, prevelika je!" Če boste tako povedali, boste imeli otroka."

- The delusional content of the swear note was found ..."If you want to it, do it! In the habit of scum! It's a rough chin anyway!" It should be! The bullied boy was an unequaled big dick 18 cm! 2 "It's a lie, it's too big!" If you put it out like that, you'll have a baby."

Datum izdaje: 05/25/2017
Runtime: 100 Min
Studio: Red