GDHH-062: »Brat, poslušaj me! Je moje telo čudno!?" Moja sestra (šolarka) je zelo čista in mi bo povedala karkoli, če je kaj, in če česa ne razumem, me bo vprašala, moj brat. - Nekega dne mi je takšna sestra postavila super erotično vprašanje na enak način kot običajno!

"Brother, listen to me! Is my body weird!?" My sister (a school girl) is very pure and will tell me anything if there is anything, and if there is something I don't understand, she will ask me, my brother. - One day, such a sister asked me a super erotic question in the same way as usual!

Datum izdaje: 07/07/2017
Runtime: 190 Min
Studio: Golden Time