GDHH-080: To je zelo gnusno, ker me študentski tutor, ki ga najamejo moji starši, vedno gleda z neprijetnimi očmi! - Torej, mislil sem, da jo bom odpustil, in namerno sem jo skušal s hladilnikom prsnega koša panchira! Potem, ko sem ga poskušal prijaviti staršem, kot je bil, ker je bil zlahka ujet in napaden, je bil močnejši, kot sem si predstavljal in sem se uprl ...

It's super disgusting because the college student tutor hired by my parents always looks at me with unpleasant eyes! - So, I thought I was going to fire her, and I deliberately tempted her with a panchira chest chiller! Then, when I tried to report it to my parents as it was because it was easily caught and attacked, it was stronger than I imagined and I resisted ...

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Datum izdaje: 11/19/2017
Runtime: 160 Min
Studio: Golden Time