VOSS-066: Zadnji gospod / gospa (sodil po poročnem prstanu), ki sem ga zjutraj videl in hrepenel po prenatrpanem vlaku, je naletel na umazano ● toda namesto da bi zavrnil, je bila umazana ● OK žena! Ko sem vedela, da je tako, sem se odločila, da bom dejanje poskusila prvič in ko sem se ga dotaknila, sem rekla: "Trepetam ... Si živčen?" Šepetal sem v uho! 3 Yui Hatano
The back Mr./Ms. (judged by the wedding ring) that I had seen and longed for on a crowded train in the morning had encountered a filthy ● but instead of refusing, it was a filthy ● OK wife! When I knew that it was so, I decided to try the act for the first time and when I touched it, I said, "I'm trembling ... Are you nervous?' I whispered in my ear! 3 Yui Hatano