VRTM-312: - "Če gospod / gospa tvojega očeta ni dobra, bom to storil!" - Sin prosi taščo, ki med zdravljenjem neplodnosti nosi tesno krilo: "Hočem mlajšega brata ..."! Namesto očeta brez semen sin vstavi surovi Ji Po! - Večkrat do implantacije z brutalnim demonskim potisnim batom, ki raztrga super poceni rojstni tip velike zadnjice, ki je lahko noseča kadarkoli!

- "If your father's Mr./Ms. is no good, I'll do it!" - A son begs his mother-in-law who wears a tight skirt during infertility treatment, "I want a younger brother ..."! Instead of a seedless father, a son inserts raw Ji Po! - many times until implantation with a brute demon thrust piston that ripples the super cheap birth type big butt that can be pregnant at any time!

Datum izdaje: 12/08/2017
Runtime: 190 Min