MEKO-70: - "Žal mi je zate!" - Propad vezi dobrega para srednjih let in nezvesto dejanje! - Na drugi strani čarobnega ogledala je ljubljeni mož, če pa ga spustite s to roko, ali bo vaša žena držala še eno palico? - Ženin sok, ki kaplja pred možem, ima okus po medu! LET.5

- "I'm sorry for you!" - The bond collapse of a good middle-aged couple and an unfaithful act! - There is a beloved husband on the other side of the magic mirror, but if you drop it with that hand, will your wife hold another stick? - The wife juice that drips in front of her husband tastes like honey! VOL.5

Datum izdaje: 03/08/2018
Runtime: 130 Min