OYC-180: Omejeno na generacijo odprave bulme! Gospod / gospa mlada dama, ki gre v mesto! Zakaj ne nosite cvetočih? 80-letni monitor izkušenj za sodobna dekleta! Zakaj si ne upate nositi cvetočih, ki so zdaj na robu izumrtja? - Nehote zardi pri cvetočih, ki so bolj neprijetni, kot sem si predstavljal! Pokažite svojo veliko rit! Čeprav sem bil sramežljiv, sem izgubil čar dodajanja nagrade in končno ...

Limited to the Bulma abolition generation! Mr./Ms. a young lady going to the city! Why don't you wear bloomers? 80's experience monitor for modern girls! Why don't you dare to wear bloomers that are on the verge of extinction now? - Blushing involuntarily in bloomers that are more embarrassing than I imagined! Show off your big ass! Although I was shy, I lost the charm of adding a reward, and finally ...

Datum izdaje: 05/07/2018
Runtime: 260 Min