SW-558: Moj Ji ○, ki je na robu eksplozije zaradi skušnjave panchira & paichira sestre mojega prijatelja gospoda / gospe in matere gospoda / gospe, je večkrat ustavljen in zdi se, da je noro! "Če se boste sprijaznili s tem, boste postali bolj škripajoči" bo ubila družina kopja, ki uživa v mojem pokončnem Ji Po!
My Ji ○ who is on the verge of exploding due to the panchira & paichira temptation of my friend's sister Mr./Ms. and mother Mr./Ms. is stopped many times and seems to go crazy! "If you put up with it, you'll get more creaky" will be killed by a spear man family who enjoys my erect Ji Po!