IPX-147: Hiša mojih staršev je dvorec v Ashiyi! Sem mlada dama, ki je odraščala brez neprijetnosti kot boksarska deklica, vendar je nekaj, kar si resnično želim doživeti, preden se poročim! To je... To je vrhunec! Prijavila sem se, ker nisem zdržala, ker sem želela izkusiti navdušenje, užitek in vnebohod, ki jih denar ne more kupiti! Svoj AV prvenec sem naredil, ne da bi očetu povedal doma!

My parents' house is a mansion in Ashiya! I'm a young lady who grew up without any inconvenience as a boxed girl, but there is something I really want to experience before I get married! That is... It's a climax! I applied because I couldn't stand it because I wanted to experience the excitement, pleasure, and ascension that money can't buy! I made my AV debut without telling my dad at home!

Datum izdaje: 06/01/2018
Runtime: 160 Min
Studio: Idea Pocket