SCOP-553: Imam srečo, da so se moji starši ponovno poročili in dobila sem mlado in super srčkano sestro! - Živel bom skupaj, vendar ne morem prenehati biti s svojo svakinjo, ki je skoraj enake starosti. - Ponoči, ko se moji starši ne vrnejo domov, sem na skrivaj postavila noč v sestrini sobi!

I'm lucky that my parents remarried and I got a young and super cute sister! - I will live together, but I can't stop being with my sister-in-law who is almost the same age. - At night when my parents don't come home, I secretly set up a night in my sister's room!

Datum izdaje: 10/12/2018
Runtime: 140 Min
Studio: K M Produce