JUY-679: Mlad črnec iz Združenih držav Amerike, ki je velik oboževalec iger, ki sem jih ustvaril kot ustvarjalec iger, je prišel iz Združenih držav. Bil je tako imenovani "otaku" in želel je videti japonsko otaku kulturo, zato je prosil svojo ženo, naj deluje kot vodnik. Ko se je vrnil domov, je pozabil in odšel ...

A young black man from the United States who is a big fan of the games I made as a game creator has come from the United States. He was a so-called "otaku" and wanted to see Japan's otaku culture, so he asked his wife to act as a guide. When he returned home, he forgot and went ...

Datum izdaje: 11/25/2018
Runtime: 120 Min
Igralka: Yumi Kazama