SIM-017: - Dekle ○ študent, ki ne pozna odraslih v zaprti sobi 4 in pol tatami preproge s super tesnim stikom sejalne stiskalnice! Velik stric gospod / gospa pritiska na telo še vedno nerazvitega najstnika z visokim pritiskom! !! Neprekinjena sejalna stiskalnica, ki se zdi, da zanosi! - Skupaj 21 vaginalnih posnetkov!
- A girl ○ student who does not know adults in a closed room 4 and a half tatami mats with super close contact seeding press! !! A big uncle Mr./Ms. presses the body of a still underdeveloped teenager with high pressure! !! Continuous seeding press that seems to get pregnant! - A total of 21 vaginal shots!