HUNTA-602: »Zakaj ga poskušate vstaviti? Vstavil ga bom!" - Ko sem bila na podeželju s svojo dobrosrčno taščo, je postalo mokro in spolzko! Konec koncev, surovo vstavljanje! Surov! Moj oče se je ponovno poročil in tašča, ki se mi je nenadoma rodila, je mlada in lepa in o meni razmišlja kot o pravem sinu. Ampak šel sem v šolo ...

"Why are you trying to insert it? I'm going to insert it!" - When I was intercrural with my kind-hearted mother-in-law, it got wet there and it was slimy! After all, raw insertion! Raw! My father remarried, and my mother-in-law, who was suddenly born to me, is young and beautiful, and thinks of me as a real son. But I went to school...

Datum izdaje: 05/19/2019
Runtime: 240 Min
Studio: Hunter