GS-265: - Zelo sem z ugrizom cvetoče deklice, ki teče po stopnicah! - Ko se vzpenja po stopnicah, kot da bi jo lovila, se nenadoma ustavi in strmoglavi vanjo! - Kakšen utrip - moja erekcija Ji Po zdrsne v debelo cvetočo zadnjico in ima občutljivo erotično reakcijo!

- I'm very because of the bite of the bloomer girl who runs up the stairs! - When she climbs the stairs as if chasing her, she suddenly stops and crashes into her! - What a beat - my erection Ji Po slips into the plump plump bloomer buttocks and she has a sensitive erotic reaction!

DVD-ID: GS-265
Datum izdaje: 06/06/2019
Runtime: 120 Min