OYC-265: Opazila sem, da so se moje hlače kazale skozi uniformo moje medicinske sestre ... "Me vabite?" Mislil sem tako in ko sem ga še naprej gledal, sem opazil svoj pogled, in ko sem mu rekel: "Pregledno je", mu je bilo nerodno in začel špricati. Ne prenesem geste, zaradi katere si želim biti spolno nadlegovan in spolno nadlegovanje ...

I noticed that my pants were showing through my nurse's uniform..."Are you inviting me?" I thought so, and when I kept looking at it, I noticed my gaze, so when I told him, "It's transparent," he was embarrassed and started to squirm. I can't stand the gesture that makes me want to be sexually harassed, and sexual harassment ...

Datum izdaje: 07/19/2019
Runtime: 240 Min