USAG-001: "Ko vidim mednožje moškega na ulici, se preprosto spoprijemam s svojimi blodnjami," pravi Tsutomu Gari, ki je kot študent nosil očala z dnom steklenice. Zdaj je karierna ženska, ki dela za podjetje, ki kotira na borzi. Toda v resnici, ženska Neske, ki ljubi Ji Po s prezgodnjo ejakulacijo de M ustavo, ki se nenehno zmeša, ko ima spolne odnose
"When I see the crotch of a man on the street, I just get a with my delusions," says Tsutomu Gari, who wore bottle-bottom glasses when he was a student. She is now a career woman who works for a listed company. But in fact, a Neske woman who loves Ji Po with a premature ejaculation de M constitution that continuously messes when she has sex