GS-319: Ko sem bila prestrukturirana in brezposelna, sem bila srednjih let in delala s krajšim delovnim časom v družinski restavraciji, bila sem obkrožena z mladimi študentkami in bila sem jezna, ker je nisem mogla uporabiti, in kot moški nisem imela dobrih točk. - Tako sem, toda mednožje Madamade je v redu! - Med službo za stranke pokukam v panchira moje kolegice s krajšim delovnim časom in preoblačenje ter se namočim!

When I was restructured and unemployed, I was middle-aged and worked part-time at a family restaurant, and I was surrounded by young female students, and I was angry that I couldn't use it, and I had no good points as a man. - I'm like that, but Madamada crotch is fine! - In between customer service, I peek at the panchira of my colleague part-time girl and the change of clothes and get soaked!

DVD-ID: GS-319
Datum izdaje: 03/12/2020
Runtime: 125 Min