YAKO-006: Čestitamo, ker ste opravili nacionalno univerzo! Ko sem šel v Tokio, sem dva dni pred vstopom v šolo odšel na prvenec Dengeki AV! Oblačila so neverjetna ~ Skrite ogromne prsi, ki so trezne, vendar jih ne morejo zavrniti, ko jih vprašajo, 3 produkcije, ki so ves dan izdane s sladkimi besedami moškega, ki diši sumljivo, prebujeno de M boyne dekle Ai, ki se dramatično spremeni v kratkem času.

Congratulations on passing the national university! When I went to Tokyo, I went to Dengeki AV debut two days before entering the school! The clothes are amazing ~ Hidden huge breasts that are sober but can't refuse when asked, 3 productions that are put out all day long with the sweet words of a man who smells suspicious, awakened de M boyne girl Ai who dramatically transforms in a short period of time.

Datum izdaje: 03/27/2020
Runtime: 120 Min
Igralka: Mami Hoshino