GS-306: Ko sem bila v postelji z mrazom, je sestra nenavadno skrbela zame ... Mislil sem, da spim in začel gledati po sobi! - Potem sem bil preveč navdušen nad erotičnim blagom, ki sem ga našel, in razvijal sem vso panchira! - Moja sestra, ki je opazila, da jo je videz jezil in da ji je erekcija zavila Ji Po! Pretvarjal sem se, da spim, toda ...

When I was in bed with a cold, my sister took care of me unusually... I thought I was sleeping and started looking around the room! - Then, I was too excited about the erotic goods I found and I was developing all the panchira! - My sister who noticed that she was sobbed by the appearance and had an erection rolled up her Ji Po! I was pretending to be asleep, but...

DVD-ID: GS-306
Datum izdaje: 01/09/2020
Runtime: 125 Min