HUNTA-620: Edini dihalec ženskega teniškega kluba med trening kampom je moj Ji Po! Sem brezposeln in skoraj umaknjen, vsako poletje pa sem prisiljen pomagati na trening kampu, ki ga vodijo moji sorodniki. Ko sem bila depresivna, da skrbim za prepotenega moškega ~, kakšen je prišel ženski teniški klub, poln srčkanih otrok! Doslej...

The only breather of the women's tennis club during the training camp is my Ji Po! I'm unemployed and almost withdrawn, and every summer I'm forced to help out at a training camp run by my relatives. When I was depressed that I was taking care of a sweaty man ~, what a women's tennis club full of cute children came! So far...

Datum izdaje: 07/07/2019
Runtime: 210 Min
Studio: Hunter